This is an epic story that happened last night, all these events are true and nothing is exagerated.please dont reply with a story of your own, this is my thread if you wanna write about your crappy story make your own thread.
Ok so yesterday im just chillin smokin some resin (outta dank) when my friend asks if i wanna go swimming at this public pool down the street. so he picks me up, we get to the pool swim and shit. thats when i decide to get some food from the snack bar, i order a hot pocket, when she hands it to me i notice one side is burned so im like fuck i just eat the otehr half. when i bit into it, it was still fucking frozen. Im lookin at the hot
pocket like one half is burned completly black and the other half is frozen, is this even possible????? so i go to the counter and this bitch ass little girl is giving me this smug look like "what the hell do you want" heres the convo:
Me: What the fuck is this shit??? how do you screw up a hot pocket? are you retarded??
Girl: our microwave is broken.. kinda
Me:Well you gonna just look at it or make me a another fuckin hot pocket??
Girl: fine.. i guess.
So i get my hocket pocket, this time its perfectly cooked. we go to siad friends house he buys a dub and we make a waterfall gravity Bong, get extremly stoned. i go back to my house change then go meet up with some friends to go to this kegger party.
We end up getting a chronic 8th and smoked a 2.2 g blunt and decide fuck this party lets smoke more and order pizza. so i decide to call dominos pizza.
Clerk: Thanks for calling dominos pizza, will this be delivery or pick up?
Me: Hi.. What deals do you havv..*Giggle*
Cleark: (says the deals)
Me: **Giggle**Gigglg**Giggle** hang up
(still laughing) i tell my friends the deals they have and asked wtf do we want and do we even have money. because we didnt even think about it before i called. so we figure shit out and i call back
Clerk: Thanks for calling dominos pizza, will this be delivery or pick up?
Me: *Giggle* What deals do you havv..*Giggle*
Clerk:Ok... (says the deals again)
Mek what the second one again?
Clerk: (tells me the deal)
Me: *giggle* whats the first deal again??
Clerk: you want the first deal?
Me: ok why not
Clerk: what size pizza
Me: medium
Clerk: for pick up or delivery?
Me: pick up... how long till it ready?
Clerk: it will be 15 mins
me:Ok **Hangs up**
so i telll my friends whats up and we decide to roll another blunt befor we go, and at the same time im thinking to myself "Fuck, i shoulda got a large pizza"
so i call back and tell the same guy to make it a large.
we roll the blunt but dont smoke it yet. walk down the street to dominos, get inside and tell the guy i called for pizza 15mins ago. hes like "Ok just a minute" so we sit down and were all zoning out with red ***** eyes n shit. when the manager comes up to me holding a pizza, so naturally im like ok thats my pizza, but what he said next blew my mind.
Manager: Hey.. uhhh we forgot to make your pizza. So you can eat this one why we make it real quick.
Me: sssssssweeet
my friend: what did he say?
my other friend: Holy shit did we just get a free pizza?
me: yea i think we did
friend: wow were the luckiest people in the whole world right now.
so after 5mins the entire large pizza was gone and the manager came out and handed us our pizza and shit, we pay and start walking for the door. Moments earlier a hippie type guy with long hair and smelled like ass walks in the door. we pass eachother on the way out and hes like
Hippie: Doses Doses (kinda wispering)
Me: Duces? you tryin to hit this blunt?
Hippie: Lsd... you guys need any?
Me: No were just burning
the whole time the manager at the counter watched us and heard the convo.
so we go back to my friends house eat the second pizza and smoke the second blunt
get extra stoned and laughted the night away. some things to remember It was Purple sour diesiel Bud, i ate way to much and almost threw up, and LSD from hippies around here isnt a good idea.
So all in all Epic ass night no parties or naked girls but another night getting to cloud 9
and eating way to much and getting extra good sleep
Re: Best story on gc!! Hands down
your story would have been the best story on grass city if you ordered a buffalo chicken and ranch pizza. But you didn't, so close but no cigar

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