A HS student has requested your advice or help
(from with regard to:

"Hi, my name is ************************ and I am \"group schooled\" (not individually home schooled but not in a small private school either). I appreciate what you wrote as a student review of ********************. My mom and her boyfriend and my brother and sister and I live on an artist commune in ******************. ********************************************************************************* The whole place is extremely progressive. Most of us took time off from what we do to lobby for gay marriage in the Northeast, but not in Vermont. ********************************************* We are all extremely bright and could make it academically anywhere especially if in our field of interest. We love rural so *****************would fit. We looked it up on line and have heard much about it in the arts world and liked much of what we read.

My question has to do with dress code/how we present ourselves. Not sure if three of us might fit at all so please let us know your perceptions. ************** is a lesbian and wears man tailored suits, she has her head shaved except for a stripe down the middle which is tall and spiked. ***************** is a cross dresser ... not in a man skirt like a few of the men here but leather skirt, fishnets, tall girl boots. I wear micro mico skirts, dark pantyhose and no panties. It just covers my crotch when I stand and not at all when I sit. None of this is a problem here regarding anyof us but would it be at your school? Thanks for your help. **************"

His/her email address is: ************************
To contact '**********************************', simply reply to this message.

Thank you for making yourself available to help these students out.
