Liberal cities are DUMPS because white liberals keep it that way.

1 Detroit Michigan <=== (People from Haiti would not move here...!)
2 Gary Indiana <=== DUMP
3 Berkeley California <=== has it's moments
4 Washington, D.C. Dist. of Columbia <=== Take a walk down New York Avenue
5 Oakland California <=== DUMP even sitting on SF Bay in California
6 Inglewood California <=== DUMP with nice weather
7 Newark New Jersey <=== Almost as bad as Detroit
8 Cambridge Massachusetts <=== EXTREMELY wealthy, so that the people who make the other liberal cities dumps, cannot afford to be anywhere near here.
9 San Francisco California <=== The least dumpiest
10 Flint Michigan <=== DUMP
11 Cleveland Ohio <=== "The Mistake by the Lake"
12 Hartford Connecticut <=== Dump
13 Paterson New Jersey <=== Dump
14 Baltimore Maryland <=== Dump
15 New Haven Connecticut <=== Dump
16 Seattle Washington <=== Just a depressing place. High Serial Killer ratio.
17 Chicago Illinois <=== Dump on the South Side, especially
18 Philadelphia Pennsylvania <=== Dump
19 Birmingham Alabama <=== Industrial Dump
20 St. Louis Missouri <=== Dump, especially in East St. louis, IL
21 New York New York <=== Dump except for sporadic EXTREMELY WEALTHY liberal areas
22 Providence Rhode Island <=== Dump
23 Minneapolis Minnesota <=== not a true Dump, but St. Paul (the other twin city), is much nicer.
24 Boston Massachusetts <=== Dump only in some areas
25 Buffalo New York <=== Rust-belt Dump

The liberals who do not believe these places are dumps, have not been to these cities.
