Page three of the Gazette reports on Margate's first Easter without Dreamland, reporting disappointment amongst visitors and a bleak outlook for the town's future:
No Dreamland, no reason to return say day-trippers
Disappointed visitors say they won't be coming back to Margate now Dreamland has closed.
Instead they plan to head for other resorts such as Southend, Brighton, Yarmouth and even Herne Bay.
Alison Spalding has been visiting Margate regularly for 24 years. "Without Dreamland it hasn't got the oomph to attract tourists. I think Herne Bay is better now, it always seems packed."
Maureen Farr, from Tunbridge Wells, said: "We've walked along the beach, been on the donkey rides and trampolines - there's not really anything else to do."
In the Punch and Judy pub, barmaid Katie Bridgland has had to break the news of Dreamland's closure to visitors.
"People have been coming in and asking about it, especially if they've got children," she said. "Their reaction has generally been that there is no reason to bring their children here any more."
Derek Pegden, who runs the beach swings and rides, said even when the sun shone over Easter business was slow.
"We haven't seen a coach party," he said. "On Sunday the sun was out but at 3.30 it died a death. People have been asking what is there for the older children to do."
Elaine Burns and Susan Gregory-Cremer had come to Margate with their children especially to go to Dreamland.
"We thought it was open, we are well disappointed," Elaine said. "Our friends went to Thorpe Park, but we decided to come here because it is closer. Now we don't know what to do, it is terrible."
Clare Creighton enjoyed going to Dreamland as a child. Now her daughter Ciara (five) has to make do with a donkey ride. "Now there is just a sandy beach, other than that there isn't much else you can do."
Westbrook councillor Mick Tomlinson said the lack of visitors was obvious as he walked around the town.
"This is the saddest Easter weekend we have had for a long time," he said.