AOL News

DJ Jun 26th 2009 1:31AM
I am living in Europe, and even Europeans talk about how bad Detroit is. So, the feelings are worldwide!

Ringo Jun 27th 2009 10:47AM
Does anyone in the U.S care what all of Europe thinks? Not me. I live here, love it and you all have no clue so your opinion does not count in my book.

reduxredux Jun 27th 2009 11:06AM
You were the worst beatle

AOL News

Ruskinrandy 10:39 AMJun 27 2009

To you non believers that need proof that Jesus existed (and is the Father, Son & Holy Spirit in one), most atheists, scientists, evolutionists, etc tout "circular reasoning". Which means that Christians ref the Bible to back up the existence of Christ thru scripture. However, what the weak minded (non believer) does not understand is the fact that the Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over a span of 1500 years in several different countries by over 30 different authors, most of which did not know each other. Hence, from the 1st page of the Bible to the last, it all ties into the fact that Christ existed. Common sense dictates, how can 1500 years of writing that all ties back to one man (Jesus) not be true! Now, can science disprove that? No.
