AOL News

awl95R 10:09PM Jul 12 2009
GOOD DEAL ! Brazillians are inbred with monkeys, slaves, indians, sloths anything available for sex. They are Gods worst nightmare.

GarciaCts 10:49PM Jul 12 2009
To awl95R ------ God doesn't have nightmares (FYI) you degenerate

AOL News

Perhaps this will give people pause when they say they know what Michael Jackson did. We all despise child molestestation but it has to be proven before we start despising.

AOL News;

SALLYSQPANTS 10:17 PMJul 13 2009

I have killed men that were romantic rivals but I never took the lives of innocent people. What is intresting the woman that forced me to kill him and his friends were exactly like the piece of shit that killed that innocent woman. You punks you bitches you sissys that can only fight with guns. Without your weapons you are helpless cripples yourselves. Brian White blame Kiyomi Wilson for your day of recknoning.

Sorry I Can't Be Perfect
by Kiyomi Wilson

Sorry I can't be perfect,
For perfection is all in one's eye.
Nothing lasts forever,
Everything changes, as time passes by.

I am who I am and thats who I choose to be.
If I were anyone else, I wouldn't be me.
I may not be beautiful, but beauty is in the eye of
the beholder,
Like I said before, nothing lasts forever.

I don't look a certain way, and there is a certain
way I act,
I CHOOSE to be me, and that is a fact.
I am still young and have time to get things together,
Everything will change, including me, NOTHING lasts
