Save the Whales!!! (for my dinner)

Well well well. Our Humps friends were burned at the steak - no pun intended - for serving an animal that is endangered, whatever that means in an era where we could likely clone 1 million of them (or will soon). And the place is called the HUMP! haha Well, you should have all know!

I guess I feel like murdering a human being is a pretty serious crime but there are all these groups running around defending these maniacs by offering excuses. But there is no advocacy group for the owner of restaurants that murder animals! Because like, um, that's why we go to them.

Personally, I am not keen on killing whales to eat. I tend to agree that they're quite majestic and its not something that I would be into. However, that's my choice which I don't need to push on to someone else.

I feel very bad for the owner here, more so because he had to take a bullet for a world that is full of contradictions - and one increasingly based on anti-industrial, anti-capitalist, anti-man views.

Still, like Bill Gates when attacked by Reno, he cut and run. Sad. That's what the 3 stars are for. He gets 5 in my heart for standing up to an irrational world. He's gets 1 for pandering to idiot patrons. Instead of committing restaurant hara kiri, he should have did what Mifune Toshiro did in Samurai Rebellion and go after all these momos with a sword.
