
If that's with ketchup, then politically, she's had her veggies. I imagine a walk through the chicken plant and a trip to Somalia would dispel her Asperger's and any other first-world syndrome that is making her sit there stupidly smiling over deep-fried offal.


I have a simple solution to the problem. Funny I should say "solution," because that's first thing You do, prepare & bottle a solution, then strap Her down to a Big Solid Table. Then You proceed to insert a tube into Her Nose & down into Her Stomach, then attach the Bottle of Solution to it & Invert & Hang the Bottle so it will drain into Her. Repeat as needed! It's called Tube Feeding. Let Her stay Strapped Down & enjoy the Digestion. Who knows it might even wipe stupid grin off of Her Face!


I can guarantee that this story is fake. This is another sad attempt to find glory and fame. In this world of Reality Shows and Instant Fame; stories like this should be taken with a grain of salt. Yes I do think this story is full of bullshit and chicken!!
