Eman96 (15701) 2008-08-12 22:07:16
Sometimes I like to ride in the scooters.
FLABBERGASTING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just makes me wanna rage and or die - 79% Normal

for as long as i remember i have had anxiety about foolish things that i have done in the past and it makes me wanna die or look for something to wreck, whether it be a person or thing, i even start to make audible noises of inner agony when i think of them. some of the things that i cant stop thinking about are

-once i has dancing with a girl and her friend walks up to us and says "having fun" and i just blurt out with absolutely no filter "damn you're hot" right in front of the girl i was dancing with

-when i was in kindergarten i had a very, very very short fuse, i was unable to finish my homework in class and i lost my mind, a freind of my walked up to meand tried to calm be and i gave him a knee to the balls

am i normal for remembering all of the foolish things that i have done in the past

nothing2 (29013) 2009-09-26 20:53:14
learn to forget

bogantrash (22581) 2009-05-03 21:23:10
hahahahaha lmfao uuuum just tell her straight out she smells like pickles! My gf sometimes smells like chicken chips and i tell her to go have a shower and brush her teeth lol

Anonymous 2005-07-06 19:35:39
violent dreams can be a sign of too much stress in your life, or something that always pissed you off that you never could really do anything about. I get violent dreams about my mom sometimes because I always felt ultimately powerless against her when I was younger.

DJ_Slone (697) 2005-08-02 19:48:28
Perhaps you are TOO laid back and you have problems w/ conflict. I myself have somewhat of a rage problem w/ inatimate objects like video games, electronic equipment that don't work, etc. I've found that because I'm very lenient towards people, I'm sometimes very violent towards other things. Maybe you need another release in your life for anger and you won't have such bad dreams. Go to a shooting range or start working out or something.

Those of us out on the cutting edge have all moved away from chipotle. It IS a big overdone. Time to move on folks.

reblebred (1 month ago)
i dont know what you thought you were doing but you didnt do it what ever that is it looks like shit dont give up your day job unless doing that is your day job then give it up!!!!

Journalists can do their bit by using strongly loaded words such as "ignorant", "stupid" and "slovenly" which will stigmatize, rather than "impoverished", "poor" and the like which are used to justify deviant behaviors.
