Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Mon Mar 10 2008 06:36:35)

There is a scene in this film where someone is shot, with a gun. Its only quick - but if you watch the film carefully you can clearly see blood where the bullet has supposedly entered the victims chest. Granted, they probably used one of those fake-blood pouches, but the visual illusion is of a person actually being shot, with a bullet, in the chest. It only lasts a few frames, but I was very surprised, and very shocked, to see this.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by info-795 (Mon Mar 10 2008 07:38:45)

I was outraged to see what happens when a bullet hits a human being. Especially in such a pacifist series that First Blood is.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by dan-1207 (Tue May 13 2008 16:24:16)

I too was expecting a film where rambo gives everyone hugs and teaches them about the magic of nature and how rainbows shine on us all, good or bad.
I was sure the guns were made out of chocolate and would shoot caramel syrup but was shocked to see actual armor piercing bullets shred burmese into roast beef.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Mon Mar 10 2008 09:51:54)

I didn't say they shot a guy for real, just that a guy was depicted in the film as being shot in the chest somewhere, basically he was killed, as part of the film. Seriously - if you watch carefully, you can see it about a third of the way in. It lasts a couple of frames, just a quick blast of red to someones chest as the bullet presumably enters. Its one thing having an action film, but to show someone being shot, its just too far.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by lordfaunswater (Mon Mar 10 2008 10:12:55)

Mate are you watching the same film as us? Does the ending where rambo commanderes a 50 cal machine gun (after slicing someones head off) and blows hundreds of people to pieces mean nothing to do? I cant believe your actually moaning about someone being shot in an 18 certificate film. A RAMBO film!!! Find something worth moaning about, or just dont watch it.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by bgrande2 (Mon Mar 10 2008 14:13:19)

im surprised nobody has caught on to the fact that this is a big dam joke lol.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Mon Mar 10 2008 14:15:15)

No, seriously. Its about 40 mins or so in. If you watch carefully you'll see the bit I mean, there is some red on a guys upper half, where he has been shot. The guy definately dies as a result of being shot.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by MagusPinhead (Mon Mar 10 2008 16:56:01)

guess you never saw a real execution! try searching the web for such movies(decapitations, executions etc) and you'll see fart-face that when a dude is executed, the blood, the body etc etc doesn't move at all like in the movies. In the movies if someone gets a bullet in his head, he stays for another few seconds standing like he was thinking if he craped himself or not, and then he falls. trust me, a body that gets a bullet in the head, falls immediatly.
so...someone gets shot...with a gun... in a Rambo! Can you get shot with a sword or an ashtray?

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Tue Mar 11 2008 01:27:01)

Thank you MagusPinhead for pointing out the real actions of a person being shot. At least now if I were to see Rambo again, I would be able to distance myself from these frames depicting a person being shot, with a bullet, in the chest. I am unsure what it looks like for a person to be thinking if he has craped himself or not and certainly wouldnt have expected to have thought such a thing myself if a bullet was to enter my chest, or indeed head, at high velocity. I am sure that in the few frames of the film where a person is shot in the chest with a bullet from a gun, he doesnt appear to be thinking whether he has craped himself, he falls instantly so thats a shame (as far as distancing myself from the reality of the situation is concerned.

With regards to your questions about swords or ashtrays, I'm afraid I don't know, and cannot see the relevance.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by MagusPinhead (Tue Mar 11 2008 06:36:45)

UPDATED Tue Mar 11 2008 06:37:38
With regards to your questions about swords or ashtrays, I'm afraid I don't know, and cannot see the relevance.

I'm pretty sure you're really dumb if you don't know what a rethorical question is and/or have no idea what sarcasm is. You said that a person was shot with a gun. Well how else can you get shot? Yeah, now I'm definetly sure that you have the same iq level as a needle.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Tue Mar 11 2008 07:03:46)

UPDATED Tue Mar 11 2008 07:05:58
You said that a person was shot with a gun. Well how else can you get shot?

Yes, a person is shot with bullet from a gun, to the chest. If you look carefully, it is quite clear and I believe that any further requirements for clarity on this will be indicative of your lack of intelligence. To answer your question, a person can also be shot with a camera, a cannon, or a pea-shooter.
I am quite certain that you cannot be shot with a sword or an ashtray.
I'm afraid I am unsure why you are talking about needles. You can shoot up with one, but you cannot be shot by one.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by MagusPinhead (Tue Mar 11 2008 10:42:27)

Congratulations, you're the dumbest person of the month!

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Tue Mar 11 2008 11:05:11)

MagusPinhead I don't understand your need to hold a monthly ratings system, and certainly don't understand the relevance of announcing the winner within a thread about a film.

All this talk of swords, ashtrays, needles and monthly rating systems, I have to suggest that you visit your doctor for a checkup.

by dommo3334 (Mon Mar 10 2008 23:46:28)

AHAHAHAHA this is the best thread ever.

rabbitmoon is fking with you all.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Thu Mar 13 2008 09:38:00)

G_Meister at my theatre there were no limbs flying across the screen, the cinema was respectable and the audience were not throwing projectiles. Perhaps you should have complained to the cinema manager.
However back to the film itself, there is most definately a scene involving someone being shot, with a bullet from a gun, to the chest. Its quite violent, and not for the faint-hearted. I am surprised it was allowed into the film.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by indigo-ambrosius (Thu Mar 13 2008 10:19:20)

I don't get it... Several people get shot in this movie. One kid gets thrown into a fire, another slowly penetrated by a bayonette, etc. I'm sure there are lots of people getting shot IN THE CHEST(!) WITH A BULLET(!) FROM A GUN(!) THAT SHOOTS BULLETS(!)... Are you saying there's a guy in the movie that is shot FOR REAL, AND DIES FOR REAL or something? What's the big deal, rabbitmoon?

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Thu Mar 13 2008 11:58:27)

I am not saying that the action of killing via shooting is for real, as it is a film and everything portrayed is fictitious. However, there are still certain standards and limitations to abide by in the portrayal of fiction. During this film, there is a scene where for a few frames, a person is depicted as having been shot, by a bullet from a gun to the chest. It is more or less a long range shooting. The person in question dies as a result. It is only a few frames in duration and is even accompanied by a sound effect. I think that the film has gone too far in showing such a thing, a person dying on screen like that.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by Bandersnatch1 (Fri Mar 14 2008 00:00:56)

All of you who missed that scene where the man gets shot in the chest, consider yourself lucky. I literally threw up a little in my mouth a little when I saw it. Every time I close my's there. GONE TOO DAMN FAR!!
Someone needs to stop Stallone. Who knows, in Rambo 5 someone might get shot in the head. SICKENING.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Fri Mar 14 2008 02:17:35)

Thank you Bandersnatch1, it is pleasing to know that not everyone is confused by my disturbance at this scene.
If anyone watches this film again, watch carefully. There is a scene about a third of the way through, where a man is shot with a bullet, from a gun, to the chest. He dies as a result.
I am aware of this films certificate but I am not commenting on the films violence. I am drawing very explicit reference to a very short moment where a man is seen being shot by a bullet. The weapon used is a gun, and the area of impact is the mans chest. The consequence is his death, and this is shown on screen for a few frames.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by The_G_Meister (Fri Mar 14 2008 04:39:37)

UPDATED Fri Mar 14 2008 04:42:58
The consequence is his death, and this is shown on screen for a few frames

Yet you're fine with the man exploding into many pieces???? That particular instance that you keep going on about, was no worse than anything else that happended in the movie.
Plus, its just a movie. The man didnt really die, it was all effects. Damn good one though

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Sat Mar 15 2008 01:44:41)

Hello rwilson yes thanks I was aware of the footage of Burma at the start of the film. It is one thing watching news footage, as that is real. It is another fictitiously portraying a man being shot to the chest with a bullet from a gun. This is where the violence went too far. Alot of people appear to have not noticed it, but it is there. One person commented that it made them throw up in their mouth a little. This isnt right.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Sat Mar 15 2008 05:05:08)
"You're happy with real people dying"
No, I'm not happy with real people dying, I never said that. I am unsure if you are reading correctly or just reading what you think is being said.
"If you cant handle the graphic nature of the violence, dont watch it."
Thank you that is good advice. Sometimes it just takes you by surprise and you can't always be prepared for it. I watched this entire film, and was just surprised that Stallone included a shot half way through of someone dying as a result of a bullet from a gun to the chest. It just didnt seem necessary.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by BarryFrom (Sat Mar 15 2008 05:34:28)

Some of the people who havd contributed to this thread must seriously make up some of the stupidest people on the internet, and Rabbitmoon certainly isn't one of them.

Loved the reply to the 'stupidest person of the month competition'. Genius ;)
Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by The_G_Meister (Sat Mar 15 2008 07:36:53)
No, I'm not happy with real people dying

Way to mis-quote me. I said "real people dying being shown" If you want to critisise me for reading what I think is being said, at least have the decency to quote me properly.
I just dont see what your problem is. Its a violent movie, the violence was graphic from minute 1. Lots of people died, lots were shown dying. It was shocking but that was the point, the whole nature of the violence in the movie was shocking.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by BarryFrom (Sat Mar 15 2008 07:42:00)

G Meister, please tell me you're not being serious???!! The original post was a tongue in cheek JOKE!

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Sat Mar 15 2008 08:00:30)

G_Meister I apologise for mis-quoting you.

Back to the original point, I realise that action films portray deaths, and that Rambo is an action film. The problem is that half way through this film, Stallone really went too far by showing a person being shot to the chest with a bullet from a gun. I realise it was only a few frames in duration, but they were graphic to the extent that blood was shown on the persons clothing, and a sound effect accompanied the wound. I am surprised that you didn't feel repulsed by watching this shot. Perhaps you are just de-sensitised to such imagery.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by The_G_Meister (Sat Mar 15 2008 08:03:44)

UPDATED Sat Mar 15 2008 08:08:37
Violence depicted in movies is something that I feel very strongly about. I havent got a problem with it. As long as it has the appropriate rating.
Now, if the OP is trying to be funny, then not only has he failed then I should have treated him with contempt. If he's not trying to be funny, then so be it. Either way, I stand by everything I've said and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Sat Mar 15 2008 11:53:38)

I do not understand the term OP, are you referring to the producer of the film? I cannot see any humour in the film, particularly with regards to the portrayal of a man being shot with a bullet. However it is interesting that you should treat the producer with contempt, I agree that the film went too far with regards to the portrayel of violence in this particular scene, and it seems that you are in agreement.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by The_G_Meister (Sat Mar 15 2008 11:59:30)

UPDATED Sat Mar 15 2008 20:41:24
OP stands for Original Poster i.e. you. If you're trying to be funny, the contempt I would have for you is based on that you would be nothing more than a troll, trying to deliberately wind people up to get a response. However, as I've said, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by rabbitmoon (Sun Mar 16 2008 04:32:46)

I do not follow this or understand what any of this has to do with trolls. Are you talking about another film here? Perhaps you are confused about what thread you were replying to.
I have merely pointed out that this film, whilst violent, crosses a line where it portrays a man being shot in the chest with a bullet from a gun. Although it is only a few frames in duration, others have spotted it too and are in agreement, and whilst I feel strongly about the issue I don't think its worthy of such debate. I just think te film went too far with this and I am surprised that it was allowed. The person dies as a result.

Re: Horrible moment of violence where this film went TOO FAR
by The_G_Meister (Sun Mar 16 2008 12:12:32)

Its actually a great debate to have. Where is the line to be drawn? I personally am not sure there is one.

Re: Does Adam Sandler have a big role in this?
by jellyjammuffin (Tue Nov 20 2007 09:32:07)
i thought he was so funny in this movie. i think the movie would be lacking if he weren't in it. he kinda evens things out if you imagine that he and chris end up together. i also love how gracie dresses him at the end. that part always cracks me up. and when he sings the song about catherine and ends it with "i love grape jelly" i just about die from laughing. he is so funny! i'm not a huge steve martin fan or rita wilson fan, but this movie is so good because of the supporting cast. love love love madeline kahn. love it when she raps in the elevator.

by chefjoseph (Tue Apr 22 2008 18:12:58)

BRAVO !!!!

Quite eloquent.

You should apply for a position as Ms. Ephrons pissboy.
